On August 2, 2019 at the Humboldt Unified School District ‘welcome back ceremony’ there was enthusiastic energy and camaraderie, and a heartfelt commitment from Superintendent Dan Streeter that NO child in the community will be shortchanged or receive a substandard education due to poor state funding.
At the event, James Clemens, President of the Humboldt Education Foundation (HEF), offered words of welcome and congratulations for a bright new year. Coupled with Superintendent Streeter’s commitment, Clemens unveiled a new grant opportunity for District teachers.
Mr. Clemens announced that the HEF Board is offering four classroom grants valued at $500 each in quarters 1-3. The first round of applications can be submitted from August 2 through September 30, 2019. HEF is committing a total of $6000 in teacher grants for the 2019-20 school year. The funds are proceeds from the annual Teacher of the Year event and generous sponsors.
Aimee Fleming, Principal of Lake Valley Elementary, states, “I am very proud to be a board member on the Humboldt Education Foundation and I am excited that the Foundation is able to provide teacher grants this year to support the extraordinary teaching and learning that is taking place in Humboldt Unified School District. This will hopefully be the first of many years of grants and scholarships from the Humboldt Education Foundation”.
The grant application is open to teachers within the district. The application requires a description of the project needing funding and the number of students that will benefit from it. This opportunity helps further the mission of HEF, which is to provide community support for excellence in education and contribute to the educational experiences that impact the lives of students.
In addition to the annual Teacher of the Year recognition and the new classroom grants, other Foundation projects include; the Carm Staker Scholarship Award for graduating BMHS seniors, a Student Orchestra Project and the Hungry Kids Project (HKP). The HKP project serves the children of HUSD by providing weekend meals bags every Friday. District staff refer students for the program. It provides food for those who may not have access to adequate weekend meals. Over 180 students receive food on weekends, during the school year.
The Humboldt Education Foundation is a 501 (c) 3 nonprofit organization and an approved State of Arizona Qualifying Charitable Organization for Arizona Tax Credit program.
To apply for this teacher grant opportunity please follow the link https://forms.gle/qDfUJ5u4FWSmMh1o6. This grant is open to all HUSD teachers. For more information, contact James Clemens at 928.499.2288.